Welcome to the Intel Teach Essentials Course for Maxwell!

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Login Reminder Sheet (doc) (html)
Register for the course in IDEAL - Login to IDEAL first, then open the appropriate link in another window.
Thursday Group
Friday Group
IntelĀ® Teach Essentials Course curriculum
Websites we will using and with which you will need to create an account. Use this sheet to remind you of your usernames and passwords Login Information reminder sheet.doc
Diigo.com Social Bookmarking Site
Online tagging/bookmarking Web site to save, access, highlight, annotate, sticky-note and share your favorite Web sites
Intel Community
Blogging and professional network site we will use throughout the course. This login is the same you will use to access the Intel Thinking Tools like Visual Ranking and Seeing Reason intel.com/education/tools and the Intel Assessing Projects Tool
PBWorks (wiki creation site)
http://pbworks.com/ (go to the educator free account)
Wiki site we will use to share our ideas and Unit Portfolios
Google Docs and Google Sites http://docs.google.com/
(create an account with your current email address)
Site to share, host, publish, organize and edit files. We will be keeping all of our work in Google Docs
Skype http://www.skype.com/
While the course does not use Skype specifically, many projects encourage teachers to bring Skye into the classroom in order to connect across the world with video and voice. I will be conducting all my office hours through Skype. You are not required to register or download Skype.
Graduate credit available for the Essentials Course:
The complete Intel Essentials Syllabus is available on the Intel.com/education site and at the bottom of this page.
Facilitated by Emily Mann, Technology Integration Specialist for Pima County Schools
Pima County Regional Support Center
6420 East Broadway, Suite A100
(520) 745-4588
Pima Regional Support

from the Intel Site
The guiding question for the course is: How can technology be used most effectively to support and assess student learning? In the course, you design and develop resources for a unit of study that you teach. Your unit is developed throughout the course's eight modules and consists of:
- A unit plan with student learning objectives aligned to state and/or national standards
- Publication to present the idea of projects in your classroom
- Assessments: assessment presentation to gauge student needs, student sample assessment, other assessments
- Works Cited document
- Student sample (presentation, publication, web-based resource)
- Document(s) to foster self-direction and metacognition, such as project plans, checklists, conference questions, and reflective prompts
- Document(s) to scaffold students' content learning, such as guidelines, forms, and templates
- Implementation Plan
- Teacher presentation, newsletter, brochure, or web-based resource to support the unit
- Management documents
Module 1: Teaching with Projects
- Activity 1: Getting Started
- Activity 2: Examining Good Instructional Design
- Activity 3: Looking at Projects
- Activity 4: Planning a Publication to Explain Projects
- Activity 5: Creating My Publication
- Activity 6: Reflecting on My Learning
- Planning Ahead: Beginning the Planning Process
Module 2: Planning My Unit
- Activity 1: Addressing Standards
- Activity 2: Developing Curriculum-Framing Questions to Engage Students
- Activity 3: Considering Multiple Methods of Assessment
- Activity 4: Creating an Assessment to Gauge Student Needs
- Activity 5: Reflecting on My Learning
- Planning Ahead Activity 1: Broadening My Understanding of Essential Questions
- Planning Ahead Activity 2: Reviewing My Standards and Objectives
Module 3: Making Connections
- Pair & Share: Sharing Presentations to Gauge Student Needs
- Pedagogical Practices: Meeting Standards in a Student-Centered Classroom
- Activity 1: Targeting 21st Century Skills
- Activity 2: Modeling and Teaching Legal and Ethical Practice Related to Technology Use
- Activity 3: Using the Internet for Research
- Activity 4: Communicating with the World through the Internet
- Activity 5: Considering Web-based Collaborative Learning
- Activity 6: Using an Online Collaborative Site to Share Ideas
- Activity 7: Reflecting on My Learning
- Planning Ahead: Incorporating the Internet
Module 4: Creating Samples of Learning
- Pair & Share: Using Feedback to Improve My Student Sample
- Pedagogical Practices: Ensuring Safe and Responsible Use of the Internet
- Activity 1: Examining Student Samples
- Activity 2: Planning My Student Sample
- Activity 3: Looking at Learning from a Student Perspective
- Activity 4: Revisiting My Unit Plan
- Activity 5: Reflecting on My Learning
- Planning Ahead Activity 1: Reflecting on My Student Sample
- Planning Ahead Activity 2: Reviewing My Standards and Objectives
Module 5: Assessing Student Projects
- Pair & Share: Using Feedback to Improve My Student Sample
- Pedagogical Practices: Involving Students in the Assessment Process
- Activity 1: Examining Assessment Strategies
- Activity 2: Creating Student Assessments
- Activity 3: Revisting My Student Sample
- Activity 4: Revisiting My Unit Plan
- Activity 5: Reflecting on My Learning
- Planning Ahead: Reviewing My Student Sample and Assessment
Module 6: Planning for Student Successs
- Pair & Share: Sharing Student Samples and Assessments
- Pedagogical Practices: Helping Students Adapt to a Project-Based, Student-Centered Classroom
- Activity 1: Creating Accommodations for All Learners
- Activity 2: Supporting Student Self-Direction
- Activity 3: Creating Support Materials to Facilitate Student Success
- Activity 4: Revisiting My Unit Plan
- Activity 5: Reflecting on My Learning
- Planning Ahead: Pre-Planning Facilitation Materials
Module 7: Facilitating with Technology
- Pair & Share: Sharing Facilitation Resource Ideas
- Pedagogical Practices: Using Questioning to Promote Higher-Order Thinking and Engage Students
- Activity 1: Using Technology to Support Facilitation
- Activity 2: Designing Facilitation Resources
- Activity 3: Creating Facilitation Materials
- Activity 4: Creating an Implementation Plan
- Activity 5: Revisiting My Unit Plan
- Activity 6: Reflecting on My Unit as a Whole
- Activity 7: Reflecting on My Learning
- Planning Ahead Activity 1: Revising My Unit Portfolio
- Planning Ahead Activity 2: Locating Internet Resources for Educators
Module 8: Showcasing Unit Portfolios
- Pedagogical Practices: Teaching and Managing Students in a Technology-Enhanced Environment
- Activity 1: Managing Technology in the Classroom
- Activity 2: Planning a Showcase
- Activity 3: Showcasing My Unit Portfolio
- Activity 4: Evaluating the Course
- Activity 5: Concluding the Course
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